Who Are the Dominicans?

Background on the Dominican Order:

The Order of Preachers – the Dominicans – are a worldwide religious order of the Catholic Church. Founded in the 13th century by St. Dominic de Guzman, the Dominicans are dedicated to preaching the Gospel for the salvation of souls.

The Dominicans are led by the Master of the Order, Fr. Gerard Timoner, III, O.P. (Rome, Italy). The Order includes friars, cloistered nuns (such as those who lived at the Monastery of the Angels), active sisters, and lay members who serve around the world in a variety of apostolates.

Background on the Dominican Friars:

There are four Dominican provinces in the United States: Western, Eastern, Central and Southern provinces, each with their own governance.

Founded in 1850, the Dominican Friars of the Western Province (Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus) serve throughout the Western U.S. (and internationally) in a variety of apostolates, including campus and parish ministries, schools, seminaries, universities, media, and missions to the poor. The Western Dominican Province is headquartered in Oakland, CA and is made up of approximately 140 friars.

Background on the Dominican Nuns:

There are many autonomous Dominican monasteries of nuns around the world. In North America, Dominican monasteries are affiliated through the North American Association of Dominican Monasteries, of which the Monastery of the Angels was a member.

St. Dominic established the first community of cloistered Dominican nuns in 1206 in Prouille, France. Over the centuries, communities of Dominican nuns have spread throughout the world and are a great source of spiritual strength for the Order and local communities. Free from the distractions of the world, the nuns dedicate themselves to a life of prayer and contemplation for the salvation of souls.


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